3 research outputs found

    Physikbasierte mechanische Absicherung zur energieeffizienzorientierten Planung und Auslegung automatisierter Montageanlagen im Automobilbau

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    Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelte Methode soll einen Beitrag zu einer energieeffizienzorientierten Produktionsplanung der Automobilmontage leisten. Dafür werden automatisierte Montageanlagen der Automobilproduktion und deren Entwicklungs– bzw. Planungsprozess im Hinblick einer ganzheitlichen produktlebenszyklusphasenübergreifenden Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtung fokussiert. Im Kontext des digitalen Anlagenabsicherungsprozesses werden die produktionsprozessbezogenen Energieverbräuche automatisierter Montageanlagen mit Hilfe der physikbasierten Simulation komponentenbasiert modelliert und in Form einer Energiesignatur für einen Montageprozess abgebildet. Energieeffizienzsteigernde Maßnahmen werden unter Beibehaltung produktionstechnischer Rahmenbedingungen in das digitale Anlagenmodell eingepflegt, wodurch eine Reduzierung der Betriebskosten (Energiekosten) bei konstanter Ausbringung angestrebt wird. Die Kapitalwertmethode wird dabei zur Feststellung der wirtschaftlichen Sinnhaftigkeit der energieeffienzsteigernden Maßnahme verwendet, um dem erhöhten Aufwand der Entwicklungsphase den Nutzen der geringeren Betriebskosten der Nutzungsphase gegenüberzustellen. Damit stellt die vorgestellte Methode eine Erweiterung der bisherigen Vorgehensweise der mechanischen Absicherung automatisierter Montageanlagen im Vorfeld der Virtuellen Inbetriebnahme dar und soll Anlagenentwicklern als Entscheidungsunterstützung bei der Gestaltung eines energieeffizienten Anlagendesigns dienen.This work introduces a novel methodology to promote energy-efficient manufacturing in production planning of automobile assembly. Digital design and production planning processes of automated assembly systems for automobile production are considered, complemented by holistic economic analyses encompassing the entire product lifecycle. Energy demands of assembly system components are projected by the use of physics-based modeling capabilities in virtual validation procedures, yielding an energy-signature of assembly operations. Measures for increasing energy efficiency are implemented in the virtual model of the automated assembly system while retaining significant production parameters, thus aiming to reduce operating cost in terms of energy cost while maintaining constant output. Net present value (NPV) determines measures’ economic sense and balances monetary benefits gained through energy savings in the assembly system’s operating phase in comparison to higher investment costs for increased design efforts in its development phase. The novel methodology enhances the state-of-the-art procedure of mechanical design validation preceding virtual commissioning of automated assembly systems for automobile production. The methodology aims to support design decisions facilitating energy-efficient designs of automated assembly systems in early system development phases

    Increasing competitiveness of service companies: developing conceptual models for implementing Lean Management in service companies

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    Lean management is a philosophy focused on identifying and eliminating waste throughout a product’s entire value stream. It originates from the manufacturing system of Japanese automotive manufacturer Toyota and attracted due to its tremendous success widespread attention worldwide. Lean promises significant benefits in terms of waste reduction, and increased organizational and supply chain communication and integration.Generally, in terms of operations and improvements service companies are far behind manufacturing industries. Transferring Lean management concept from the manufacturing shop floor to services might offer opportunities for improvements. Many manufacturing businesses have improved and profited by the use of Lean management methods and tools. Yet the benefits haven’t been as nearly as impressive for service industries applying Lean management principles.The challenge in applying Lean to services is the lack of widely available references for implementing Lean in a service organization. Although some successful examples of Lean implementations in service businesses could be noticed in the past no standardized framework or general guideline was solidified for implementing Lean management in service organizations. In addition, implementing Lean and achieving the levels of organizational commitment, employee autonomy, and information transparency needed to ensure its success is a complicated task.This paper approaches to develop a conceptual framework for implementing Lean management in service organizations. Based on a sound theoretical foundation of Lean management methods in production and considerations about service management, challenges of implementing Lean in a service environment are derived. Ultimately, a conceptual framework is developed to implement Lean management approach in service businesses using a specific set of Lean tools

    Increasing competitiveness of service companies: developing conceptual models for implementing Lean Management in service companies

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    Lean management is a philosophy focused on identifying and eliminating waste throughout a product’s entire value stream. It originates from the manufacturing system of Japanese automotive manufacturer Toyota and attracted due to its tremendous success widespread attention worldwide. Lean promises significant benefits in terms of waste reduction, and increased organizational and supply chain communication and integration.Generally, in terms of operations and improvements service companies are far behind manufacturing industries. Transferring Lean management concept from the manufacturing shop floor to services might offer opportunities for improvements. Many manufacturing businesses have improved and profited by the use of Lean management methods and tools. Yet the benefits haven’t been as nearly as impressive for service industries applying Lean management principles.The challenge in applying Lean to services is the lack of widely available references for implementing Lean in a service organization. Although some successful examples of Lean implementations in service businesses could be noticed in the past no standardized framework or general guideline was solidified for implementing Lean management in service organizations. In addition, implementing Lean and achieving the levels of organizational commitment, employee autonomy, and information transparency needed to ensure its success is a complicated task.This paper approaches to develop a conceptual framework for implementing Lean management in service organizations. Based on a sound theoretical foundation of Lean management methods in production and considerations about service management, challenges of implementing Lean in a service environment are derived. Ultimately, a conceptual framework is developed to implement Lean management approach in service businesses using a specific set of Lean tools